Sunday, September 12, 2010

happiest moment turns to be the most dark and sad...

There are some moments in our lives which has two extreams... might be the happiest and be the total opposite... i had one of those moments two days ago...

i was the happiest person on earth ... in a fracture of a second i turned to be the saddest person in the universe =^)... and its a matter of choices we make.. i did a wrong choice and i assumed the wrong assumtions which lead a mountian of sadness to stay still on my heart from the first morning of eid...

i hope the best of life is yet to come ... i can just hope so...
some times these moments.... can just ... turn us a little bit crazy =^) !
and after all the best we can do is to fake the smile for the sake of others to be happy =)..
S- out


Anonymous said...

our wrong choices are something we learned from and as you already wrote in your blog, " Life is a school , if you fail once , TRY AGAIN , NEVER GIVE UP!!"

so throw the mountian of sadness that stay in your heart AWAY and enjoy eid and try to have real smile not fake one then you will feel better